Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stop Excessive Sweating - Herbal Remedies that work FAST!

you are about to discover 4 small known herbal cures for sweating that are sure to relieve the sweating where all the other deodorants have failed.

When I first found these four herbal remedies for sweating and began implementing them, the effects were just about instantaneous. Within the first hour ( one of them within just minutes ) the perspiration was suppressed and I was dry during the day.

Here, I'll be teaching you about these straightforward to use herbal treatments. I could show you where to get them, ways to use them and then all you need to do is do something and try them out. Let's start and stop your perspiration!

This first one is my personal favorite...

1. Witch Hazel - The bark and leaves of the witch hazel plant are extracted into a powerful acid which can be applied in liquid form to the skin. If you look at the ingredients of many aftershaves and lotions, you'll find witch hazel to be one of the components.

traditionally, the herb was employed to treat insect bites and even bruises but over time it was found to stop sweating as well .

Witch Hazel will be particularly effective for you if have facial sweating. This was where this herb truly came in and saved the day for me. Face sweating, after all, is super hard to hide. It's out in the open and you can only dab it with a handkerchief so many times before you start to lose your mind.

You also cannot just roll a deodorant onto your face so this is where witch hazel actually may be useful. Employing a cotton ball, apply a slim layer of the witch hazel oil to your face and watch its acid properties go to work. Your skin may initially get a little dry as it melts all the oil on your skin but later, as it goes to work, you will find that those beads of perspiration you get on your face will not make their daily visit.

naturally, witch hazel can be applied to more places on your skin than just your face. Personally though, I found this herbal cure most effective for my facial sweating.

2. Burdock - this herb safely manages exaggerated sweating by eliminating excessive fluids through other means rather than the sweat pores. It redirects sweating fluids through the lymph nodes, kidneys and guts instead.

Here's a little alert about burdock. It's pretty nasty to have as a tea. Burdock is sour. Once sip of burdock tea and you will be puckering your lips in a scowl for sure.

So, what do you do? Well, you can take it as a'tincture'. What's a tincture? It is a fancy word for an alcoholic extract. Most healthfood outlets sell burdock in this form so it's straightforward enough to pick up. Burdock works from the inside out. Take this extract for a few days and you will spot the difference for sure.

3. Astragalus - This herb, native to northeast China, has mild diuretic properties and plays a role in balancing your sweat response. Here's the sole issue with it. Depending on your precise sweat problem, it can decrease or maybe possibly increase your sweating. You'll need to test it out to see for yourself. Astragalus has a mild, sweet taste, making it a suitable choice for tea. You may also melt it in your fave drink. Its active compounds are the flavonoids that give its roots and flowers their yellow color. Give this a shot and see what you come up with.

4. Tea Tree Oil - this one is phenomenally effective for foot sweating. Plus, it's additionally an antifungal so if you have foot fungus, tea tree oil will knock that out also. Just apply a slim layer to your hands and feet to offset the sweating. The oil has astringent qualities which should dry out the skin. Begin with just a bit bit to establish how much you will need.

As with any topical, you'll be wanting to look out for irritation and discontinue use if you detect any. Most people find tea tree oil to be the gentlest of the herbal cures mentioned here.


These sweating herbal remedies
will definitely pack a punch when it comes to ending relentless perspiration.

Try to be a bit patient in the beginning. Whenever you use a natural solution like sweating herbal remedies
, it may take your body a couple of days to acclimate to the treatments. After a little consistent effort, you'll be set up for success and can start benefitting from the drying results on a daily basis.

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